Monday, February 14, 2011

Let's do the fork in the garbage disposal, let's do the fork in the garbage disposal. (Assignments 5B and 6B)

Ding ding ding di-ding ding di-ding-ding.

Here's the first critique I did for blog assignment 5B.  It's just analyzing the first scene of one of my personal favorite short films: The Last Three Minutes, directed by Po Chan and filmed by Shane Hurlburt, one of my favorite independent cinematographers.

And here's the second critique i did for blog assignment 6B featuring the video game Little Big Planet 2.  I pretty much just highly analyzed the vibrant colors of this game.  I had to dumb down the quality of the video in order for it to be put onto blogger so the colors aren't as strong as I say they are in the video.  My apologies.  Also the sound quality of my voice sucks because my mic cable broke and I couldn't use the studio mic because it was broken as well for some strange reason.  I did the best I could with my mac mic.

That is all.

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